Saturday, February 23, 2019
Hosted by: Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, and South Jersey Intergroups
We will have a day of speakers, workshops and raffle baskets. There will be literature for sale, along with fellowship and fun. We have a suggested donation of $5.00, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Brown bag your lunch. We have one the street parking. Coffee, tea, and water provided throughout the day.
Unity Day is an opportunity for the New Jersey members to share their strength, experience and hope with each other. The day brings the focus back to what draws us together, that we share a common peril and have a common solution to be gained through working the 12 steps.
At 2:30 pm members of our 6,700 groups in 75 countries will pause in the day and join hands in an expression of unity and to reaffirm the strength inherent in OA worldwide.
Join us, bring a friend. All are welcome.